David Garnier works in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, with CIBC (Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce) Wood Gundy as Vice President and Portfolio Manager. Such professionals spent time honing vital business skills like interpersonal communication to advance their career.
Tips like those below can help you improve this vital business skill:
Be Self Aware - Examine your current communication skills by gathering feedback from others on your strengths and weaknesses. Think about the feedback you receive. For example, do your friends confess that you often interrupt? Does your family applaud your clarity? Be self-aware of your flaws, so that you wait to speak until the other party finishes, and instead focus on your skills, such as being clear when you do speak.
Be Aware of the Other Person(s) - Even when other parties aren't speaking, they're communicating. Body language and facial expressions tell you a lot, so remain aware of other parties in communication and adjust your approach accordingly.
Determine a Positive Outcome - Before or at the beginning of communication, determine a positive desired outcome so that you know what you are working for.
Research Fact - If you must present facts during a discussion, or argue your point, do your research beforehand.
Practice Being Calm - Creating a constant air of calm will require practice and time, but it is possible. Calm people appear friendlier, more agreeable, more open and more likeable in communication.
Listen More - Listen at least as much as you speak in every conversation to ensure that your communication is an equal exchange. When you focus too much on talking, you can lose your listener and appear arrogant.
Seeking aid from an experienced professional like Dartmouth, David Garnier Nova Scotia can aid you in improving your interpersonal communication and similar skills.
For more information visit here - https://davidgarniernovascotia.wordpress.com