So when I was 7 years old my daddy ouned a car repair shop. He was working on a car and he heard something at the door. He was closed at the time. He thought it was someone new that didn't know what time they colsed. So he opend the door and (BAMM) he got shot right into the head. The guy who killed him, his name is James cavagha. He has murders 58 men & wemon in the past year. My daddy was in the hospital so I visited him. He was getting better.I asked him what happend that night, he told me everything. The newd happend to come on the hospitals T.V. it said that James cavagha was getting rescenticed for the injury of my daddy. My daddy was watching he had a simple tear run down his cheek. He said " I know thats the man who try to harm me and my family."All Rights Reserved