Once Upon A Time... A weirdo has decided to make a book.But,she had too much ideas and they wouldn't last long,so she decided to add all her ideas into one book,just for the sake of entertainment.So enjoy her horrible stories and vote,read,and do whatever a human does. She was really lonely,she had no one to talk to in the summer.She was bored,so bored.This book came to life-ish!Although she didn't own the characters,she treated them like they still weren't her's. They belonged to the legendary Hawkdaddy,one of the Royals of the kingdom of ZAGTOONS. Anyways...sit around the campfire and sing the campfire song and read the book of random stories that appeared in a brain of a weirdo,and you,my friends are also allowed to request a story idea!(Incase she looses ideas,which happens most of the time) You Are BAEs •~•All Rights Reserved