Bree Rogers is Star Mistress. She's a lot more open, outgoing and funny than she was in the first book of WC Avengers, because she's found out that her fiancee, Bucky Barnes, and Bucky and Steve's best friend, Alec Anders, are alive. Though, Bree and her brother Steve are still looking for them.
Jackson "Jax" Stark is Gold Strike. Along with his father Tony, Wanda Maximoff manipulates him into creating Ultron, the super suits that the team now have to face down.
Anastasia "Ana" Romanoff is Arachne, one of the three Spiders, an assassination team made up of her, her mother, and her twin sister. Things have escalated between Jax and Ana during their time together, leading them to become a thing.
Tatiana Romanoff is Tarantula, the third and final Spider. She may be the heart and soul of the Avengers, but she's also the first to stand up for freedom and free will.
The Avengers have to band together to take down Ultron, and even if they do win the battle, what will they lose?
"I'm a Stark, being a genius kind of runs in the family."
Samantha Bailey Stark is the oldest and only daughter of Tony Stark. She inherited his quick witted remarks, his sarcasm and his brains. She also earned his temper. When she was old enough, Tony dragged her into the family business and was made a special suit. Tony made her promise that she would only use the suit when it was absolutely necessary. She promised and kept the suit on her person at all times. When the unthinkable happens, Samantha aids her father in trying to save the universe from the mad Titan Thanos. Will she survive the snap?