These are works poetry by a poet who found peace in writing. Nothing will be romanticized. Everything will be completely raw. Some works will be light like pastel colors. Others will be as black as the fur of a cat. Many of the poetry works will speak of anger, depression, hope, happiness, sadness, but most of all, pain. Do not be afraid to put down the book at times because you are somewhat overwhelmed. Believe me when I say many of this poet's works caused me to have to stop reading for a few hours, sometimes even days or weeks. These poems will make you think. They will make you angry. They will make you cry. They will give you hope. They will make you laugh some of them although the odds of you laughing are very slim for I found that there is more pain and sadness than laughter and smiles. There are many subjects. Music, art, people, inanimate objects, actions, emotions, time, memories, and more that I cannot even name nor have found yet in some cases. This diary filled with poetry is a literal safe haven on paper for this poet. Everything you read was once in a notebook. Some pieces have been published elsewhere besides here but everything will be here. I've spoken enough about where these poems have come from and the meaning I found behind them. In truth you must find your own meaning behind the poems. Everyone sees them differently. Be prepared is all I can say for sure. Some will be short, others long, but all meaningful all the same. Read with care, you might become uncomfortable at times. If you must stop reading I would not hold it against you. It is a lot to take in.