Human Rights. Equality. He for She. Women Empowerment. Feminism I'm sure all of you would have heard of these terms and words frequently, if not everyday. There are so many people who voice their thoughts on these issues; so many organizations to fight for equal rights; so many activists; so many feminists, so many ideas... Every side you turn you will either find famous people working towards achieving these goals or your next door normal neighbour working towards the same. With so many people trying reach out, surely a change must be taking place, right? Surely it should have impacted on the society? Unfortunately No! It's not having the effect we expect it to have. In fact, we are deluding ourselves into thinking that people are changing for the better but a large part of the world is still the same, if not worse. It breaks my heart when I realise that people find it completely reasonable to treat their counterparts without respect. This excerpt is a reflection of my cries, a reflection on the outrageously horrific situation which still persists!All Rights Reserved
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