Sooooo.... I am going through my creepypasta phase AGAIN and decided to write another story! You are Izzy in the story. You are being abused at home and need some form of escape. You attempt to commit suicide but fail, putting you in hospital. You're relationship with your boyfriend is going really badly because you recently find out he's cheating on you for a skinny, boobie plastic, fake girly girl called Lizzy. You are walking down the street and get kidnapped by a boy wearing a yellow hoodie with a white mask. this changes everything... WARNING! If you are prone to suicidal thoughts or self harm, this story is not for you! It is very triggering to some readers and will urge them to go things. Don't self harm. It's not worth it. OH AND HERE'S SOMETHING I LEARNED TODAY!! You point out all your flaws. Thats what makes you YOU! It may not be the you that you want to be but it's better than having no you at all. Then you look at the positives and think 'woah' Your life is incredible! you do what YOU want with it! Now you listen to me ok. If you feel at any point that you feel suicidal or at the point of self-harm or actual suicide then call this number 08001111 This is Childline's number, If you are going through anything that is bad (abuse, bullying, suicidal thoughts, etc) you can call these people and yes you can call just to cry!Tutti i diritti riservati