The little ball of Sunshine in the Hidden Leaf was running away from an angry mob again. This is the fifth time this week! And today's only Wednesday! Yes his mother and father and little sister are still alive! They don't care about him! He's only 2! 2! His sister's 1 and half! Nobody cares about him! Nobody stops and and stares in horror as he gets beat. Nobody will do anything. His mother beats him at home. His sister laughs. His father doesn't give a damn. So here he is running for his life in an ally. With drunk and angry ninja and civilians. The civilians always look at Naruto in hate, fear, and as a demon. Not a baby! Not a damned child. He always wonder what he did to everyone to make him hate him. He always is polite. He's always got the brightest smile even though his the most broken. He wants to protect this village and make friends. But how can he do that when no one cares? No one looks at him and wishes to be him. Why me? He asks himself. Why is it always me?....All Rights Reserved