Hello, my name is Kain and love learning French. I was a student in French 1 in American high school for my sophomore year, and I'm planning to enter French II in my Junior year. Since I'm a student and experience all the awkward stages of learning a new language, I know exactly how to explain everything I had questions in French 1 in the most efficient way possible without repeating myself. In this book you'll learn the following:
•How to say your name,
• introduce yourself and the person with you,
• how to describe yourself and others around you,
• what you like/ love and don't like,
• how to count in numbers,
• how to tell time,
• how to order things in French,
• what the weather is like,
• how to invite someone out to do something with you,
• what are you going to do,
• and more fun things.
The book consists of excises, quizzes, and tests in other for you to fully get the most out of your time. Hope you enjoy!