Five years after the Battle of Piggy Island, life on Bird Island has been wonderful. Red's been accepted as a member of the community, Chuck's found true love (hard to believe, I know) and is about to start a family, and Matilda and Terence's romance is growing stronger every day.
But when all seemed perfect, the pigs return and steal the eggs once again. With the help of a young falcon named Silver, Red, Chuck, Bomb, Matilda, Terence, and the baby Blues have to go on an incredible journey to get them back.
I don't own The Angry Birds Movie. If I did, I would've made Terence Red's long lost brother.
Welcome back to Bird Island! Thanks to Red and her friends, Chuck and Bomb, life is peaceful again... almost. Now, the birds and pigs have engaged in an all-out prank war, which has no end in sight. It seems as though birds and pigs will always be enemies.
But what happens when a new enemy threatens the existence of both Bird Island and Piggy Island? After everything that happened between the birds and pigs, especially Red and Leonard, could they possibly find a common ground?
Sequel to Dangerous Woman, this is an AU in which Red is female.