12 parts Complete In a world ravaged by a virus and plagued by conflict, a girl named Pandora Meyer recovers from the virus that took her memories and lives with her father, Abraham, in an isolated cottage hidden by the thick forests of the northern peninsula of Michigan. One day, she saves a boy who says his colony needs help. The southern peninsula was taken over by a cult hellbent on either growing their numbers or wiping out sinners, and they want to expand northward. As she helps the northerners fight off the violent cult, she must figure out who she is and how to survive in a harsh, unforgiving world where one slip up will kill you. However, she soon begins to wonder who the real enemy is. They say the Pandora of ancient myth opened her box and doomed humanity, but can this Pandora save it?
P.S. This is the rough draft of my senior project, so constructive criticism is very welcome :) Please be kind, I've never made my writing public before.