In the year 3070, all life on the planet perished in the eternal inferno of the Mega-spells dropped on Equestria. In 200 years time a slate colored pony, now (Defender of the Wastes, War Queen), Lilpip emerged from her place of rearing with a goal in mind to restore a hellish masterpiece of destruction, terror, and crude death into a ghost image of what once had been. Likewise a (Hero of the Ether, Defender of the Cosmos, Sojourner, Traveler, Drifter, SolTide Savior), Avirexii Lunox emerged from a time-slip. Not knowing where he was but having every intention of reimposing the ways of righteousness in a world gone nefarious. When they meet a question remains. Where will you be when the worlds gives way, when it crashes down and falls away? Hell in Equestria is where you are... welcome to paradise. (Cover art by @lacksov of Instagram)
3 parts