Preview of the story I'm working on: Post Reset Chara- Preview Story Description: In the Undertale game, made by Toby Fox, there different endings; Pacifist, Neutral, and Genocide. This story is about one Frisk who's curiosity got the better of them and decided to do the genocide route. But one thing is different about this Frisk. Right when Chara was going to take over their body they reseted and saved themselves. But, Chara got far enough to the point where she took control of almost half of Frisks body. Now, Chara and Frisk share one body, and because they are (technically) one soul, Frisk and Chara can take over the body that they share. But Frisk doesn't want Chara to kill everyone again, so they decide to tell someone about their situation in hopes that Chara will have a change of LOVE.All Rights Reserved
1 part