Enzi Berlo is a regular freshman high school gamer girl at G Meran high. One day she tries a new game called Qwibaz, a MMORPG and soon finds herself in a mess so unexplainable and messed up that all Enzi could do was just wait and see what would happened next. Characters: Enzi Berlo (aka Lulu): age 14, female Jeannie Shia: age 14 female Emily Flero: age 15 female Vincent Macyan: age 15 male Vincent Glar: age 15 male Julia micplier: age 15 female Relaky (Rosy): age 15, female Lucius (TheDarkSide): age 17, male Liz (gtg af): age 17 female Bajah (x3Bajahx3): age 17 female -and other side characters :3-All Rights Reserved