Greetings folks,
Well, uh, hello. I wanted to share with you all a series of poems that I've been working on. I wouldn't call them the best, or deep, or well-written, or following poetic rules and standards. I'm no expert, really. I just want to share my experiences. If I had to describe my poems, they'd be "experiential." What I mean by that is they attempt to define points in my life that needs to be defined because of the idiosyncratic significance it has with me. I have written two other series before (both of which were two respectively different times in my life), and perhaps I will share them all with you here, depending on how this one goes.
Nonetheless, this one that I will share with you is called Incline. By definition, incline can be a noun (meaning a slope), or a verb (meaning a tendency or habit). I feel that that word defines my life at this point, as I am noticing my inclinations (bad and good ones), and I am currently experiencing an uphill ascension (a tough one). Anyway, I hope you all enjoy it.
Best wishes,