I'm sorry about the mistakes that were made, I was probably 11-12 years old when I started to write this... I edited though... But it's still not the best. Anyways! BACK STORY Let me introduce myself, my name is Weapon X-2 but I prefer people to call me X. I don't have a real name since I was raised and trained at the same military base my father and other muntants were experimented on. I broke out of the base when i was 9 almost 10, which means I'm the top target for all the mutant haters in the world including people who work with Weapon X . My father. That's an interesting topic. My father doesn't know I exist and I'd like to keep it that way. You see my father is Weapon X or you might call him The Wolverine. I call my father Weapon X for many reasons, number 1. I don't need a father, mother, or guardian. Number 2. I was raised to call people by their experimental names. Number 3. it feels weird if I call someone 'father' or 'dad. Number 4. I'm 10, I can and have taken care of myself. As well as protecting myself along with others for more than a year now. I'm doing fine without anyone. Weapon X didn't know my mother was pregnant so when she pretended to die and was taken back to one of Stryker's military bases she gave birth to me and hid me in a safe house. Hours later the base was destroyed. I was found when Stryker's men where looking for survivors. Apparently I was the only survivor due to the explosion and my mutation. Cover by KittenGirlidkAll Rights Reserved