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At the Solaris Academy for Stellar Magicians ("SASM"), Magicians (wizards/witches) of every age study magic at an advanced level. These students are the most talented of Magicians.
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The Main 6, Twilight Sparkle, Rarity, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy, are 6, exceptional, teen girls returning to the SASM for their 11th year. Famed for saving their country, Equestria, several times, these girls are the SASM's - and Princess Celestia's - favorite Mages.
Little do they know, Chrysalis, and evil, female Magician that the Main 6 have defeated recently, is out for revenge.
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Will the Main 6 be able to handle homework, raging hormones, AND Chrysalis' evil coven, who, on Chrysalis' orders, attack the girls whenever their "Coven Queen" sees fit?
Find out in "Life At Solaris Academy"!
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Created: 6-6-16/7:22-40am