Kaoru is the 2nd oldest son and only son of Karl Heniz 4th wife, Alyssa . He is difficult to deal with a times. He is going to live with his half-brothers now. They met him every month for the dinner, but they don't know him very well since he doesn't even talk much at all. Once he arrives to the Sakamaki mansion, Kaoru starts to have things happen to him that can only be explained by his dead mother, who died while protecting him from an attack 3 years ago that mentally scarred for the rest of his life. The brothers try to understand why he doesn't let anyone in and soon they figure out why and when they do find out why he doesn't, memories of his past became his nightmares every night and the 10 brothers (sakamaki and mukami) hear his horrible screams of terror that fateful day where his mother was shot and his past that he wanted to forget many years ago. How will the brothers handle to boy that is someone that the mukami brothers remember so clearly? The sakamaki brothers try to cope with this boy that had some many years of beatings, punishments, but their surprise he something very different from the first day living with them all. What change did happen to the raven haired male with neon green eyes which are cursed since the moment he was born 19 years ago on February 15th?
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En dag finder Evelyn en bog i et hemmeligt rum under familiens hus.