In my entire 17 years of experience I have come to understand three fundamental ideas that you learn when dealing with life. 1) Family is the most complex thing you will ever have to deal with. 2) At the end of the day most people suck and could give two shits about you. With the exceptions of some, I suppose. And 3) Everyone that's been put on earth in some way or the other is completely and undeniably fucked in the head forever. In order to understand what I mean you may need to know a few things about me. For starters I am not a writer this isn't really my thing. It won't be a perfect story or happy ending and my diction won't be great at most times because who cares as long as you get the gist of what's going on then we're good. I don't have a perfect life or family there is no opportune time in which a hot guy is going to walk into my life and everything will change. That's because sadly no this isn't a movie it's my reality, and some days it good. Other days, I would give almost anything for it to get just a little better. And lastly this will be a play by play of me. Scarlett Johnson and the behind the scenes of my daily life, so if your are interested start reading otherwise thanks for at least reading the description.All Rights Reserved