Johane Porsenna tell that you may think that fashion is not important,People have to find other ways to be creative, as joining an art class, or getting into photography. Maybe you think the choice of clothes today are simply not the best, and I agree with you in part. Or you might think that if people want to be religious, so they can practice their religion as long as they are at home or a place of worship. You might think that children should not be exposed to other cultures outside their own. Maybe you think that you can look professional without making a big deal about it. And believe me these reasons are very valid and you have the right to think that way. But in this case, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.
First of all, fashion can make you more creative in your everyday life. Of course, you wonder how fashion could possibly improve creativity. But if you really think about it, when you dress in the morning what is going on in your mind? No matter what is probably quite creative and very probably put some thought into it. Whether you try to look like the most popular kids in school or if you are trying to look like your favourite celebrity. Now, if we were more creative with everything we do, including how we dress stress makes us more creative at school / work. What I have found is that people feel happy when they create something they love and ends in a success. For example, if someone was and decided to wear a suit that has never been used before and people praised them for what would be happy and confident. Once people understand that it is normal that your clothes look different from others and begin to enjoy watching different and / or have a "signature" style that will become much less stressed about how they look and not you will feel so much pressure to look like all the other world. Of course, it will also really give people a lot of confidence, which is always a good thing.