No one knew what to do. It was so sudden, and took everyone by surprise. The smartest kids in camp, as well as some of the kindest, The Athenians, were going missing. One by one. Stolen from their beds.
It hit a little close to home for Annabeth, to say the least, who was spending some time with her dad after the war with Kronos. She came back to camp, where of course Percy was waiting. But he had no clue what was happening either. And though she was happy to see him, her heart was weighed with the idea that some of her closest friends and siblings were gone.
Walking into her cabin had never seemed so lonely.
When Rachel suddenly decided to stroll into the Dining Pavilion and spew out a prophecy, one that (thankfully) had nothing to do with Percy, everyone knows it has to do with Annabeth. Call it a feeling, or perhaps extreme logic, but no one has any doubt about it. She's the only one that fits the bill...
But, the last line weighs on her. Both her and Percy, actually. Percy, who got up the guts to kiss her, who finally can call her his girlfriend, might lose her. Forever, this time.
Follow Annabeth as she travels to find her siblings. To go against the prophecy and survive this quest. And to finally prove what she is worth. The only problem? Well, it seems some old friends have decided to come for a little visit. And they most certainly aren't welcome.
When an archeology student accidently gets added in a groupchat full of f1 drivers.
When Charles Leclerc falls for the stranger in the groupchat
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