Continuation of Hunting love. What lurks in the darkness, where we cannot see, where we daren't enter. What is it? Whatwhatwhatwhat is there. There. Where is there? is it here? or over there? It approaches so slowly, but steadily,but still it climbs twisting and withering, its clutch tightening around slender necks and brittle bones. Something older then time, some thing darker then night. And it wants them. Shizuo and Izaya have started a family, but their sweet life is then thrown into disarray as their eldest son Yakumo Heiwajima disappears one night, only for the next day for Miagi to reappear and ask for help. What is this darkness and how does it have anything to do with what happened in Izaya's past? And Who is this 'Engel' that they need to find?All Rights Reserved
1 part