"ROMEO MONTE is more than a ladies man . Hell Romeo may have well invented the women. He knows so much about them. Just one stare and he's able to tell a women's story, see her vaunbility. I know how that may sound but Romeo has a gift that most men don't. Good looks , great career, and bomb sex that drives women out of thier minds. Romeo isn't just your typicall player . He's so smooth that you even reading will wonder what if there was actually a man like Romeo . His player ways seen to be fading without trace latley after meeting a beautiful , itoung women name Dream . Being y czy stalked was kind of usual for Romeo from diffrent women his whole life . However not on the level of crazy that Dria provides. Things have calm down the past years but that's untill Adria sinclair is back in his life and is causing a real quick havoc. Like shes always seemed to do. Not being able to break her physotic and obssessed self away from Romeo. Yonee just want to get close to dria Dria just wants romeo for herself Romeo only wants dream And dream well she wants to focus on college first then Romeo that is... Get inside the p o v 's of these 4 diffrent personalities you won't regret it !!!
6 parts