The story revolves around a girl named Y/n who had a crush on Kagamine Len. They were childhood friends and they didn't care if being childhood friends was embarrassing or not. One day, Len fell in love with the Diva of Vocaloid, Hatsune Miku and Y/n's heart broke. When Len and Miku got together, Y/n gave them her best wishes. Len and Miku broke up soon after because she cheated on Len. Len then ran to y/n crying about it. Soon after, Len fell in love with Y/n but Y/n was already with Kaito. Len hid his feelings not wanting to confess because he didn't want to break them up. Len gave them his best wishes. The same thing that happened to Len happened to Y/n and the both of them broke up. Y/n and Len fell in love with each other but none wants to confess. What's going to happen now? FIND OUT WHAT HAPPENS IN THE STORY! Editing process: not done 30/1/2019 - why does this even have 23.8k? STOP READING THIS STORY IS TERRIBLE 10/8/2019 - 30K milestone reached, tf?
38 parts