The series is based on Takumikun Series The fiction is resolve around Takumi and Gii after graduated from Shidou Gakuen A/N: Hello again... Thank you to all who have read my first and second fanfics. Thanks to all who are willing to leave comments for me to improve myself. This is my first attempt to write a series not just a one shot fanfic. This time I'm writing about Gii and Takumi for the first time ever. At the beginning, I don't know where to start. When I started thinking about it, too much idea oozing in and I have to type down the trail of ideas and let it grow and blossom...ironically too bad, to put ideas into words and materialise them into plots and I definitely do respect all the best fanfics writer out there...all of you are awesome and terrific in your own style and specialty. How it's going to end...even to start quite a headache? Well... just go with the flow. To all the readers please be patient with me okay... Disclamer: I don't own Gii, Takumi or any "Takumikun Saga" characters in the story. I only own the story and the name that I invented. If there are similarities, it's only coincidence and my deepest apology in advanced.