'Just then, he saw, emerging from the darkness, the most terrible horror he had ever laid his eyes upon. It - he could not name whether it was a she or a he - was a painfully thin creature, almost two metres tall; it came shambling into his sight, a creature naked and with no sex. Its skin, that otherwise had been very pale, was covered with wounds and ripped open in several places, vivid red, as though it had jumped in a pool of fire and by some inexplicable way survived it. The flesh of its face had melted, covering the sockets of its eyes, its nose had vanquished and where it was supposed to be there was only two tiny slits for nostrils. It also had no lips; its mouth was the thinnest of lines.'
As far as Ryan Lown remembers, strange nightmares haunts his nights. A deeply tormented boy, he suspects people - his family in special - to keep a secret from him. What? When a man at a festival suddenly and viciously attempts to kill him, this doubt, at first a suspicion, becomes an unmistakable certainty and he is sure there is something about his past that he needs to unravel. Many kilometres away, Melanie Redfyre's life changes forever as she predicts the arrival of her grandmother and brother. Alone and destitute, she finds herself passing through great adversities as she tries to escape a group that tries by all means to kill her. Who are these people? Have they any connection at all with the man that tried to kill Ryan? And moreover: what's their Purpose?
The story begins a few years previously these events, telling part of the story Ryan so much craves to unravel.
Cover art by: Evelyn Postali.
Waking up face down in mud sucks any day of the week. But coming around in the sludge of a strange realm...? Well, that just redefines a bad day altogether.
Trapped in an unfamiliar world, sixteen-year-old Quinn is frustrated that none of the strange Tree People appreciate his urgency to get back home to earth. Now he is faced with a choice that could change the course of his life: escape and find his own way home, or stay and help them find the cause of the poison ravishing their world.
When the mind-reader unlocks one of the ancient mysteries of the Tree People it points to the only way of saving them from annihilation: they have to find the Power of Light. What exactly that means, the mind-reader doesn't reveal, but his next warning comes as a shock to all present: finding the mysterious Power of Light can only be done with the help of the dangerous enemy tribe whom they once called family. Quinn soon finds himself a little more entangled in the lives of these gifted beings than he'd care to be. Especially after meeting Jazz: the feisty girl from his world who seems to be a regular visitor to the world of Zoay. To Quinn's constant frustration, the aqua-eyed pixie makes it clear that she's not there to make friends.
On their journey they'll brave bizarre encounters in dangerous alien forests, while sacrificing pride and will for the survival of all. Along the way Quinn finds more than he ever thought to seek: purpose, fulfillment and love. When the Power of Light is finally found a devastating discovery is made: if all of Zoay-including their enemy-want to live and prosper, one must be willing to sacrifice their life.