1.KaiSoo stands for Kai + KyungSoo = KaiSoo. 2.In the dorm,Kai likes to hide D.O's clothes and make D.O look for them. 3.D.O would out of habit,hit Kai. 4.Kai would ask D.O to cook for him no matter what time. 5.In D.O's eyes, Kai can be easily bullied, although he is young, he does not lose his temper easily. 6.D.O and Kai's interaction although its not immature, its not anywhere near being mature too. 7.During a Fansign, a Korean fan asked D.O what does he think of Kai, D.O answer is that Kai is easy to get along with. 8.D.O and Kai's dorm cleaning arrangement,D.O would clean while Kai would clear the rubbish. 9.Suho likes to go to D.O's room and talk but would be chase out by Kai in the end. 10.D.O and Kai would eat fast-food together(burger,fries,Milktea) (again!). 11.Kai like to tell jokes,D.O and the rest of the members would find it hard to understand what is so funny about the joke. 12.Kai eats a lot,D.O's bag would always have a some ene