Ryuji and Kiki Kazuki are abducted by the alien Kreal and implanted with devices that causes instant death as soon as 10 years pass. The head of the Galidorian Government Talia Winree finds out and sends her most trusted general (aka husband) Kris Winree and his second in command (aka their son) Darc Winree to capture Kreal and bring the two Earthlings back to Galidor to have the implants removed. Traveling with Kris and Darc is an Earthling Tim Wilks that was rescued from another abductor. Tim's one desire is to be reunited with his son Jack. Along the way Darc and Ryuji fall in love and Ryuji decides to stay by Darc's side. So when Tim is taken back to Earth Kiki returns as well and is introduced to Tim's son Jack. Jack and Kiki fall in love and in the end the two couples get married on Galidor where Tim decides is alot more better to live than Earth.