Chapter :connections to dreams Dreams are what connects us to what we want to achieve in life and dreaming motivates you by making you feel close to to what you want in life dreams help us see life in a nice new way dreams sometimes emitate life situations dreams are a bridge to other dimensions were your wildest imaginations run free animals also dream as well for as living things we have goal to reach dreams vesualises that special thing you want believe it or not dream can motivate and even put hope to hopeless and even restore a broken heart for dreams take you to wander lands beyond your wildest thoughts dreams can connect you with the stars you see above the sky dreams can warm you of the dangers ahead wich you may not be aware of and dreams vesualise it as we dream we remind our self's that you want to achieve or become someone in the environment and fix the problems you see dreaming helps the brain to rest after receiving information and even emotionsAll Rights Reserved