The Black Death reached England in the year 1348 CE, sweeping through London where it killed 20,000 people. The Black Death is caused by the Yersinia pestis bacteria and is believed to have been transmitted through fleas which rode on rats, it was also spread from person to person. The medical knowledge of the 14th century was very basic, with doctors believing that people could be cured through smelling nice smells, often giving them a flower to smell or crushing herbs under their nose. Religion impacted the medical treatment they received as often priests were more desired than doctors as it was believed that their praying power could cure the sick. People with the disease died within days of obtaining it, which meant that their life was much shorter than the other people in Medieval Europe whose general life expectancy was around 40 years of age. The Black Death is expected to have originated in China where it was then transported along the Silk Road by fleas on rats which traveled with the Chinese traders, and is first recorded to have reached Sicily in 1347 CE. Overall it killed almost 50% of Europe's population.