19 years ago on September 27th, a small infant rose from the earth, in the rain-forest where the child was born there was a lonely old Satyr. This Satyr took upon the baby, not knowing of its origin. Originally thinking of it to be a child of Pan the Satyr raised the baby to make it think it was, after a year another child was born from the earth. The Satyr took the baby and cared for it, the resource of milk the Satyr used for the children was an Alpaca that went with him on his journey to find love. After a few years, when the children were 10 they were found by explorers. The explorers took them after they were finally able to catch them. After 3 years they found themselves fighting against monsters barely living. After this they were forced to leave their 2nd pair of foster parents, and had to live on the streets using garbage cans as shields and weapons against them they eventually found refuge in an old abandoned warehouse. Naming it the J cave they created defenses using whatever they could find (Cans,Glass,Crowbars etc.). Eventually setting up catapults around the windows they finally were in a 'safe area'. They were eventually found by a Satyr, the Satyr's name was George McCline. They eventually found themselves hot wiring a car and ramming monsters. They were able to safely find their way to a 'Camp' of some sort.All Rights Reserved