I know this has been a 1D book, but I've decided to try and write for more fandoms,
I'll write about:
Hunger Games
Game of Thrones
Harry Potter
Lord of the Rings
Avengers, including Sam, Bucky and Loki
Star Trek
Star Wars
Guardians of the Galaxy
One Direction
Five seconds of Summer
The Hobbit
YouTube, Joe Sugg, Caspar Lee, Tyler Oakley, Troye Sivan (Friendly or boyxboy), Dan Howell and Phil Lester
How to train your dragon
Big Hero 6
I'll do boyxboy and girlxgirl, but no dirty, cause I suck at it ^_^
If you want to request, send me a DM with fandom, character, and plot
I'll dedicate to requester, but I'll keep (Y/N) (Your name) as main character, so no need to describe yourself, though if you want anything special on the main character, like a scar or something, I'll do that ;)
Love Lizzie_directioner ^_^
Welcome to your source for all the inside information about my characters, books, and everything that it takes to make their stories come to life!
Ever have questions about how characters were created or why they make certain choices? Wonder about the writing process and what goes into a story? You'll find all of that plus more in this blog-style journal!