*She blinked up at him, tilting her head slightly, "Don't you ever get...lonely?"
He chuckled softly, pulling her close, planting kisses along her cheek, "I let many things guide me but loneliness...loneliness is not one of them. I would be a liar if I said that I do not experience the sting of lonesomeness but I have learned to never let it engulf me in its grip."
His words ate at her consciousness.
Such strength eluded her even on her best days and thus she ran from any sign of honest emotion, knowing that loneliness always hovered at the back of her mind, guiding her through the rough patches when no one else seemed to notice.
And yet this man...he had the ability to ignore its icy grips, to fall prey to it and then reverse it, making loneliness his prey. *
Loneliness was her guide in a world of guideless people.