Earth is on the brink of death.
The ice caps had melted. Half of the major cities of the U.S. are under waters, and Africa became a continental desert. Though so much green surrounds us still, all of them have changed in more ways than one. All are inedible, and all are untouchable.
It is unbelievable-idiotic too-, that this colossal mess was all a result of a meaningless political scare tactic that backfired.
Yet miraculously, after all the destruction and biological warfare from radiation, the little few of us left are still here, living and breathing.
The founders at the time knew that such a time of nuclear warfare was coming, so when it had came, they created salvation in a sector they prepared beforehand. Now named Gaia, after the Greek goddess, it is the year of 108 R.B. It's been 108 years since then and our population has grown to 7,000 residents.
To see that we have rebuilt ourselves so quickly, made me realize that if we're able to expand the margins of humanity so smoothly, then using the recently added technology we have now, then it will only be a matter of time for the population to double, then triple, and grow into a proper society.
Soon, we will be able to live on the surface and I will live long enough to witness such an experience.
However, only I, believe in such of an event. Many others lost hope for this world after the nuclear war. Disease, thievery, cons, and worldwide starvation, there was nothing left besides radiation and some thousands of us. I guess one could say, that after all the terror, this civilization provides safety. It is a sanctuary, a haven that is able to harbor life. It's a comfort zone no one brave enough wants to step out of. Not one ounce of interest in cultivating plants to save Earth, and not ounce of curiosity to explore the lands and seas.
But I am different.
I will introduce to them the beauty of nature our
ancestors had viewed.
I will prove that their fears were for naught.All Rights Reserved