This Story revolves around a young girl whose father is a Wizard.She's a Half blood in other words because her father fell in love with a Muggle (or so what Jewel know) Jewel Skyller is an ambitious & a pretty girl only she did not know, she's not only a Wizard! what could her other blood be? will she found out about the other intriguing happening about her life? will she unfold the lies and the truth? or will she live in a magical world not knowing the truth about the past and even her very own self.
Author: This Story might not be Harry meets Percy (i'm planning though) it's about a girl whose father a wizard and her mother is a Greek goddess. I' very sorry to Disappoint you, i didn't mean to but pls. read this story and you'll be fascinated, let's enter a world entirely our own, shall we?
Love Harry Potter! and So Do Percy Jackson! All hail to our great Authors!: Rick Riordan & J.K Rowling so of course Enjoy Reading!