In a world far away, a young girl named Rosina lives a hard life. Her father has passed away and her mother is a depression patient. Rosina has to feed herself and earn her own money by being a cashier at a pawn shop 2 hours away from her house. One night Rosina prays for her mother and herself. She prays that she'll find a friend that will bring her loneliness to an end and bring her mother back from despair. Little does she know that her prayer will come true. Soon she finds an egg in the woods and raises it to be her own. When the egg hatches Rosina finds herself caring for a dragon! But as the dragon grows their bond does too. Soon the Main Council finds out her friendship with the dragon and make her do a blood bond with him. This means she can never betray him and nor can he to her. But one of the Council member's was an enemy of Rosina's father and decides to send out assassins to kill Rosina and her dragon to break their blood bond. Suddenly, Rosina finds herself in a terrible adventure where the only question is of survival.....All Rights Reserved