Book 2: The 2 Guardians
Guide: |!|¥
Personal: yourself
Memory boost system: Online
Memory base: The 2 guardians
Hello there! You must be here to see more into the forgotten history on BraveTale, yes? If so then you have come to the correct spot. Hi I'm |!|¥ and I'll be your personal guide through talk sessions we have here, or what's left of it... I'm in charge of watching over the shattered memories and what left of this AU by the creator. And please save questions for last thank you. But be warned though, there are somethings that are best left forgotten, so keep quite about this. Thanks that'll make my job a whole lot easier... But I'll leave everything to you at the moment, I'll try and recover some memories for you so go ahead and good luck. Oh and don't try to adjust the memories... no one can change them... not even the creator. Alright bye bye~!
[sending data to reader personal...
Please hold...
Encountering major glitches in system...
Memory stable...
You may enter when ever you like...
Have a nice day.]
(This book will be short)
"We are the two guardians that block you way from facing HER"
-Ruby and Sapphire