'be destined to happen, turn out, or act in a particular way.'
Written in the stars. Nineteen year old Harry Lewis, a struggling content creator, had spent his entire life studying the universe. Not scientifically, so to speak, but in the way of potential; meaning, even. The boy thought so deeply that it began to take a toll on his everyday life, everything he'd do would have to be thought about. He'd transformed into quite the night owl as he progressed in years, finding himself spending longer and longer under the stars in the pitch black sky, his mind ticking away at drowned thoughts and feelings.
"But, he can't help but wonder about endless possibilities and bask in his own nostalgia; That's what is killing him."
//Warning//: Explicit language, Emotional, Mature themes.
"promise me you will always remember me?" ethan said as tears fell from his eyes.
"fuck you." was all i managed to get out before turning around and walking out his flat.
i slammed the door shut, and leaned against the wall next to it.
once i regained my vision i took the lift down to the first floor, when it opened i cried the whole way to my car.
i opened the door and sat down quickly before letting my head fall on to the steering wheel.
"why me?" i cried out.
my entire life had flashed before my eyes.