❝Not withholding the capability to hear the music had become a distant memory. As her fingers danced along the black and white keyboard, so colorfully she felt the vibrations of the piano travel though her fingers and settle into her soul. How lovely a feeling could be to make up for the loss of sound.❞ A seventeen year-old pianist is near to fleeting her broken father and her broken past when she receives an invitation from the Julliard School, offering a scholarship to assist her financial-lack. A successful audition is all she needs to land in the most prestigious conservatoire in America. The only challenge however? She's been requested to orchestrate her very own piano song and like an artist at a blank canvas, the girl allows her hands to lead the way. Remnants of the past she intended to bury begin to rise to the surface, but what she learns is that to escape her past is to approach it boldly and all that she's been frightened to say for so long is whispered in the form of piano keys. ⌣ entry for @beautifultragedies' Summer Contest of 2016.All Rights Reserved