Genres: action, supernatural, comedy, shounen, fantasy Synopsis: 15-year old Yuji is a silent, no-friend, lazy and a cold-hearted highschool boy. Everyday is such another typical day for him. Upon one night, going home from school he saw a man lying and covered with blood in a river side, before that man died he bestowed something to Yuji and says to him that he must not let himself be killed or it will be the end. Yuji did not understand what the man is saying, until the next day, some masked men started to chase him and was planning to kill him, saying that he is the 10th generation of Apollo's heir "the ORACLE". Another men wearing such weird cloaks appears to his rescue, saying that his fate is already declared when he met that man and accepts the contract. His typical and peaceful days suddenly changed when he finds himself in a city where abnormal things are normal. And later on he discovered that he has the ability to do and see things through his left eye. What will happen to him? Will he be the cause of destruction or the cause of restoration for human good?
12 parts