Okay there are lots of people that I know that cutt and there not bad people because I am one of them. Some of them smoke pot and or cigarettes and I am one of them that smoke pot and I am quiting. I have been clean for two weeks and I have been trying to stop cutting for five years now and I just can seem to quit it helps me and harms me at the same time. But it just seemed like all I am doing is messing up my life and I just don't know why I still cutt and I just am depressed and have bipolar and its not the bipolar depression stuff and I am bipolar and have depression and life just seems to hard for me to handle sometimes and it just seems like people makes it worst. I hope I could stop and that I would stop and that if I have kids and that they never make the mistake of making their first cutt like I did and I just hope that my past will help me stop cutting and that this is save some one else for cutting also and I just hope I could help someone like someone helped me.