You've heard of rogue Kells and Fallen before, rogue Hive, rogue Cabal. Okay maybe not, but that's besides the point. However, have you ever heard of a rogue Guardian? Or, more importantly, The Rogue Guardian?
Some say he went mad and left, appearing here and there sometimes. Others say he killed his Ghost and extracted its components to upgrade his armor and weapons. Some other people say he was Taken by the Darkness, became possessed by it, and joined the other side. Either way, he's been sighted on multiple occasions in helping drive Guardians out of enemy territory.
Records say he was the best of the best, the most elite Guardian possible with the current ranks. No one could best him, be it in combat or wits. Even the Speaker was impressed by him. Then one day he just disappeared.
This is the story of the Rogue Guardian, one of the best and most mysterious Guardians to have ever been a part of the Light. When injured and cornered by the Vanguard, will he fight them or talk with them? Will he have to expose his secrets? And will the Guardians ever figure out what makes his gear and equipment so powerful, and where he got it?
Find out in the story of the Rogue Guardian, and how he came to be what he is.
If you read this it's recommended that you have played Destiny to understand a lot in this. I don't own Bungie or Destiny, this is just a fanfic.