Dorthy Garland is a witch-in-training, along with her two younger siblings-Glinda and Leon, who are homeschooled by their parents, Scarlet and Tinmon Garland. All her life she's tried to live up to her mother's ever growing legacy as one of the best fighter Mages to ever leave the Guild. Now a retired from the Guild, Scarlet and Tinmon, fighter broom pilot and expert potion maker, just want to live a quiet life, away from the war and pain of the past. Living out in the country is one of the ways they plan on doing this. The younger ones-Glinda and Leon, are more concerned on each misadventure they get into on a day-to-day business. But when an organization of witch hunters crashes down on their life, the whole family gets thrown into a turmoil they never asked for- as it seems the past has come to presents' door. Dorthy's parents find themselves back at their old workplace. Will this family, born of magic, make it out alive?All Rights Reserved
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