First of all, I'm a huge otaku and Fujoshi.
I love everything anime/manga/Japanese/Korean... Etc.
Basically, I'm creating this sort of "collection" of different yaoi fanfics I would like to take up writing again.
Original Stories, NOT original characters. Will give references.
sexual content, cursing, drugs, homosexual tendencies, lots of fangirling, possible "rape" scenarios (would rather not), soft core yaoi, hard core, smut, underage drinking/smoking/voting, squealing, swearing, orgasms, obscenities, nudity, "bdsm", mature language and actions, yada yada.
If you come on here to comment hateful things, I only ask of you two things.
1. How did you end up here and figure out you hate it without searching for this specific topic and reading this specific collection?
2. If you hate it this much you gotta type out angrily about your hate for being on a page you chose to look at, please just block me for my own sake.
Also, if you want to comment, please just save the hate, if you want to help me improve my own writing or asking for a request (politely I hope) then I understand.
But if you EVER so much as hate/hurt one of my followers or commenters because you have a pole stuck so far up your ass it blocks your mind from other's people's way of happiness, I will rip that pole out WITHOUT LUBRICANT. CAUSE YOU lubriCANT OPEN YOUR MIND TO OTHER'S FEELINGS AND WAYS OF HAPPINESS.
ーThank you dears for all who read my stuff or follow it.
~If you have a request, don't hesitate to ask( ' ▽ ' )ノ
ーBe you. Be happy. Love life and live it to the fullest ☆〜(ゝ。∂)