This is Book 2 of Other Side Of Us. When Tyler ends up biting Nena and kills her, Dave takes her away from her parents for a long time until she comes back alive. Which she's not normal at all she's a vampire now like Dave. But, more stronger and faster than he is. Dave trying to help Nena control herself around humans. It gets ahead of her, Dave gonna try his very best to protect and help her with it. Nena wants to try and have a newborn infant vampire baby which it can probably works but what she facing will end up killing Dave and her and their family. Dave trying to convince Nena that's it's dangerous and they should wait but Nena doesn't listen to Dave wants a baby right now. So, Dave and I actually do it and have a beautiful baby name Marie who is like her mother and father put together. Not what The Other Side thinks of her and what will she become soon enough in the future and Dave and Nena puts their life on the line to save their baby girl Marie. ~KatePlus8