WITH THE HELP OF DEATH #Wattys2016 What is the death itself had a soft spot for a certain person? Isadora Violet Valance, has lived for seventeen years, and has been happy for only 7. Less than half her life. After a fatal car wreck that has killed her parents, she's left with her 20 year old brother, a not-so-nice housemate, and their dog Blaze. Her brother knows her inside and out. One thing he doesn't know? Isadora has a plan set. In exactly 30 days, she will commit suicide. Ryder Asher Madison, has lived for eighteen years and has never once believed in anything supernatural. So when death comes knocking on his door asking for a favor, it is hard for Ryder to get a grip on reality anymore. Death, has been around for thousands of years. A legend, that wears a black robe, and can come knocking on your door any time, just to take your soul away with him. Usually death would be happy to hear the news of an upcoming death, and would be restless, waiting for somebody to commit suicide, or die from a sickness or age. However, this time it is different. Death, goes against his own rules, to save a poor soul from dying.