Natasha is not your average teenage 16 year old girl, she and her best friend Penellope have always been the best at everything since infants. Their both the two star cheerleaders at Rompson High, Spelling Bee Champions since 3rd grade, Have been getting straight A+ since kinder garden, are the prettiest girls in school, and have NEVER spent one day without seeing one another; That is until Natasha's dad got laid off work and they had to move 15 hours away from their hometown. Natasha and Penellope don't let distance take over there friendship, atleast for the first few days. Until Penellope got chosen as cheer captain and started talking less and less to Natasha. Natasha than realized, that she isn't Natasha without Penellope. And she has to change that before it changes her. But will she really?