Bane is a sixteen year old boy living the life of a criminal. Being blamed for everything, being pushed and shoved and assaulted with no one to run to for help because nobody believes him. Bane is attending a school called Dor Brook Academy For Unruly Children, when he has enough. Bane retaliates and snaps a boys jaw bone in half. Realizing that he cannot go back to juvy, Bane runs from the school and heads back to his home town of Worthington, Ohio. Bane realizes he has a special power and decides that he should use it to find the murderer of his parents. In this adrenaline laced, action packed novel, author David Mullenix, releases this book on-line three years into the making. Though not finished yet, David shares his novel to the world and tells the story of our hero Bane. Enjoy!