~After that day, Mary was never seen or heard of. People assumed her to have had died.~ Arena Parker is another normal girl in town after the end of world war 3, in the year 2263. Pursuing her higher studies under a historian, when she finds out some clue of her long lost people-assumed-dead mother, Mary Parker to be alive. It had been years since her mother left Arena. The only faith she had for her mother's leaving was that she believed her mother Sacrificed her for something valuable and not ignorant. She believed that her Sacrifice of the wants to be with her mother could have been benefitial in the way her mother was out there happy and correct for what decisions she had made. Until, one day Arene finds out the truth of her mother being involved in some mischievous secret society games. Hundred people, with thousands of opinions, whom will Arena trust? Will she be ready for her part of Sacrifice that's coming to her? Copyright © 2016 by Consuella Smith. All rights reserved.All Rights Reserved
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