Haii umm the people who read me stowwys Ya don't know me you just know im a YAOI fan but time to tell you me life it's going to start when I was 2 then all the way to 12 and today is my birthday June 22 and me is so happy so I want to tell me life and tell you how it ended and sometimes when I'm writing me stowwys sometimes me is not okay but I still type soooooooo
I'm on the left by the black rail-Destiny, next to me is my brother red and white striped shirt -Deshaun, in front my sister red shirt- Desiré, next to her on the right my cousin wearing blue shorts -Doran that's his middle name we call him that his real name is Larry, dog biting my hand-Rocky he is a pit bull, in front of Desiré is Kaylee she had a different dad that's why her name doesn't start with a D and taking the picture is my mom I'll probably show a picture of her in the stowwy, and I'm weird love YAOI have best friends that are weird Like me I have a lot but I'll mention them In the stowwy.